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Kenji Kozaki;

Kenji is a professional singer, guitarist and composer. He has 4 octave and half range voice, and can sing powerful, sensitive, smooth, etc.
He also composed a bunch of the theater, commercial message and movie songs.


Manami Ohnishi;

Manami is a professional drummer and is endorsed by Pearl . A teacher as well as a regular player on the Tokyo music scene, Manami often plays with recognized Japanese artists and has appeared on TV. She especially enjoys playing pop, rock, and jazz, and is accomplished singer and percussionist.






ドラム、ヴォーカル 主に都内のパブ、バー、レストラン等で演奏。国内海外のお客様に好評を得ている。またメジャー・インディーズ問わずライブやレコーディングをサポートもする。ワイルドミュージックスクールの講師も務め、パール楽器とエンドースメント契約している。

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